Thursday, February 1, 2007


Wow its been so long since I posted. Well, finals went okay, aced them all as usual. Though uh, don't mean to brag. Anyway, me and friends are still acting nuts as always. School in general is good too. Now about my fanfic...

I keep getting such great reviews! Everyone keeps telling me how much they like it! I haven't gotten one bad review! It's a great feeling to now that people like my stuff.

Well, this is all I feel like writing so see ya!

1 comment:

12345 said...

Hi! I was just lurking on (over there I'm stargate addict) & found your blog. I just had to comment on this -

" deepest, dorkest secret.."

lol! I know what you mean. :D I don't write, but none of my friends actually know I have this strange obsession with Stargate Atlantis (& certain astrophysicists... *coughs*). ^_^

Eww, tests. *gags* I actually was forced to take a few of them recently. The horror. ;)

Hey, not to be stalker-ish or pushy or anything, but any chance you'll update your Nuke story soon? Just a thought... nasty, leaving us poor readers hanging... ;) But hey, the reason you get suck great reviews is cuz your story is so awesome. :D Don't think I'm just saying that cuz I want an update. Though I do. Want an update, I mean. ^_^ See, this is why I like to lurk and not post. My posts are very rambly and, uh, long.
Okay, I'll just stop now. ;) see ya!
